Saturday, September 25, 2010


Today is our 17th monthsary!

We were supposed to meet up and hang out/study together but mom forced me to go out with her instead. So yuan's mom, zhenyu and yuan came over to my place so that yuan could take his wallet (left it in my bag last night) and he passed me the present he made for me!

Guilty to the max cause i didn't make him anything! Gonna get something done tonight, since he said he'll give me something tomorrow cause he feel he didn't do enough! He gave me a bottle of messages and he told me to read one everyday. But i finished reading it like in half an hour.

So today my mom met his mom for the first time.

Anyway yesterday was a really tiring day. Even now i still feel tired. That's because on thursday i slept only at 3.30am! I really fought hard to survive friday lessons.

I remember the last time i had a tiff with my best friends, was just after i left YJ. I remember how i handled the situation. I wonder how this tiff would turn out to be. Too disappointed to want to salvage this friendship. Don't even feel like talking about it anymore. Not because i feel guilty and i did something wrong, but there is simply no worth going through the trouble anymore.