Sunday, September 19, 2010


I look around facebook, i see people getting in a relationship, living their new life with their partner and posting photos which they would remember for a long time. I saw myself in that when i too, posted photos of us, during the so-called 'honeymoon period'.

Nowadays we don't meet up as often (we used to see each other everyday), we don't take as much photos anymore, and we don't meet up for dates as often. We only meet up to study, go out for a few hours, eat together and travel together.

Days are rather different from the past, we seem to have passed the honeymoon period. But love doesn't disappear. Now and then he still makes me feel loved with his actions and words. So cliche but i really appreciate his gestures.

Yesterday was an awesome day with yuan. A typical day where we don't do much, just study and have lunch and spend time around with each other. He was digging my ears and when it was my turn to dig his, i had cramps. He got up and asked me what he could do to make me feel better. i shook my head, and he asked me if his hug could make me feel better. He gave me a long hug and i really felt better. Maybe the pain was still there but i was more focused on my happiness.

Who says couples don't enjoy each other's company after the honeymoon period?