Saturday, July 03, 2010


Today a P6 boy spoke to me on facebook. He was one of the kids i took care of during PSLE Seminar.
This boy takes Foundation Maths and is rather naughty. But like all naughty kids, they are always very nice to their teachers or seniors. In my case, coach.

I asked him what school he is aiming to go into, he told him about his plans and i really feel the want to keep encouraging him till his PSLE. Should do that with my brother too, right? But ryan's motivated enough! HAHA

And then he asked me if i watch soccer. I said no and he said "You wasted." HAHA! Typical of him and i could totally imagine him saying it!
I think of him as one of my best campers in the PSLE Seminar.

I miss coaching suddenly. Can't wait for tomorrow to come.
So now i shall go to sleep so that tomorrow will come faster!