Thursday, May 13, 2010


So yesterday yuan and i went to catch The Back Up Plan,
it was a happy day spent with him.
I hope we'll spend more happy days together even though i know he's too busy!!

We rushed out of school to buy tickets, and went to grab a bite at the foodcourt. And he left my blazer at the dessert counter. (By the way their dessert suck!!!)

So later we're going to collect it back, and i have more cookie orders.
I hope i can do some tomorrow so i don't have to finish them today cause i wanna go to AMK with yuan!!!!!

I'm glad i have yuan whenever i feel unhappy.
It's funny that he feels more sadness when something unhappy happens to me!
But when we part, i start to feel the sadness and disappointment.
But life is such, i have to think positive, and tell myself i still have great friends around and i have a loving family and a wonderful boyfriend!

And a big thank you to those who praised my cookies. I never knew it was that nice. I don't know if it's me or everyone's like this, but i really dislike eating something i bake. Even if it's nice. HAHAHAHHAHA!

And i love my brother. CUTE TTM!
K my sister isn't as cute but she has her funny side which i love too.

K now i'm going to bake again :(