Yesterday was a fun day.
Went to Rosyth school as a coach under AKLTG,
had alot of fun and saw many many cute children!
Yuan took Primary 1 kids while i took Primary 2 kids!
He ended earlier so he went home to pack his table and came to pick me up after that!
(FYI Rosyth School is just opposite his home. HAHAHA)
So we went to have lunch and then went home.
Slacked around before i went to bathe,
and after that i did a teeny weeny bit of my essay.
Can you believe it? It's 2 days to my audition but i'm not even prepared.
Idk what the hell i'm thinking about man.
I stayed at his place till around 9pm.
Had dinner together with his mom and brothers,
we told many jokes over the table, it was really really funny.
Yuan then sent me home.
Till now i still haven't gotten a birthday cake for yuan.
And it's his birthday tomorrow!
I can't decide between Dark Chocolate Truffle, Strawberry Sweetheart and Blackforest Cheese!
Everything's done except that!
:( :( :( :( :(