Monday, March 08, 2010



I'll still love him even if he has such an ugly hairstyle!
Okay but then i'll probably convince him to cut his hair if he really keeps such long hair.

Today i was terribly sick.
Okay terribly in my terms because i've never felt this sick!

Yuan was such a dear, he sent me home.
He allowed me to sleep on the bus with no worries,
he didn't let me get affected by the bus jerks and all.

Really appreciate him alot and alot, till no words can describe how i feel!

On friday night, when he sent me home, we started singing the Children's Day song tune but then we put our own words in.
Today we did it again.
It was damn funny.

I hope yuan and i get well soon!
Maybe i should see a doctor so that we can share the medicine and get well together! HAHAHA