Sunday, November 29, 2009


It's Mr Siow's birthday on tuesday.

I have bought him a gift and i'm going to head to his place with jude tomorrow morning! :D

i hope i can meet yuan tomorrow :(

Anyways, today i went to meet shao and shimin at tampines one while waiting for gets. They had lunch and then i left to meet yuan since gets told me to go off first and he was ready to meet me.

So i took 31 to Katong Convent and then met up with him. Gets alighted at the wrong stop so we went to meet the rest at the bike rental shop. There were then so much (*T^&!%#!*^#*). In the end gets left, apple and wendy left, so yuan and i rode on the double bike with sang and miaoting rode the single one. Was quite fun, i slowly forgotten the unhappiness.

But i still feel bad towards yuan, SORRY! :(

anyways i then went to NSC to meet mom and dad.

they then dropped me off at tampines mall to get mr siow's gift while waiting for me at the carpark.

I bumped into Wen Miin.

That reminds me,
i actually miss working at Yamaha.
It was rather fun, leandro, timothy, jenna, karen.
Over so long, i forgotten the unhappiness there but i only remembered how much fun i had there.
But i still remember how they treated Lisa :(
Still feel v sad.
I happened to find out that Karine left Yamaha.
I wonder who took over ....

Anyways i'm going to bed soon,
jude keep reminding me not to oversleep! HAHAHHA

i miss going to mr siow's house too.
I shiver at the thought of telling him my math grade.
Such a disappointment to him! :(
I sometimes feel like retaining and doing well for math,
so that i dun feel that i'm letting him down.
He still inspires me! :D
The only teacher who have really changed me, MR SIOW.

okay i really have to sleep!
i remember two years ago, jude ever called me MANY times to wake me up because i overslept and he was downstairs my place waiting.
otherwise he'll suan me again, like before :(