Tuesday, June 16, 2009


happy birthday to me.
the day i was not looking forward to.
i dont wanna turn 18!!!

my twin who comes from a different mother but born on the same day as me.

a big thankyou to the most important people of my life, my family.
and then then next most wonderful person of my life,
and my choir bestfriends.

namely zy, jinghang, lanyuan, alicia, jiayan, xuejun, zhenyu, khai, yvonne, ernest, amanda,yensoon, eileen, wanjing, hockhao, yuanling, minhui, peggy, rachel, joan, cassandra wang, winson, baoyue, bev, theodore, marcus, pris, jude, jun, OKE, cassandra seow, wenjie, siongkoon, siangwei, shivam, jen, zt, shaocong, ks, brandon, heman, pindong, hongray, ashley, and many more :D

thank you for the card, i love it. SERIOUSLY (im not being sarcastic)
the best gift i would have received.
your precious time, to shopping, simpang bedok for meepok,
laksa-ing and all,
(ps, i do know how much you love me now)

thank you lanyuan and alicia,
for singing happy birthday to me in the middle of the night,

pindong and hongray hoping they're the last to wish me happy birthday,
hongray is the last btw, haahhaha

aiya, i truly appreciate everything that everyone has done.
like shivam 'sang' happy birthday to me via msn. LOL
and pris and siangwei's overwhelming wish. HAHAHAH.

and dunno why the councillors suddenly msn-ed me at the same time.
like seriously, at least 8 of them. HAHAHA.

this year is like utterly SIAN-ED.
i have no mood for birthdays, i dun know why.

i wanna cut off my nose and eat one bowl of chilli to numb my throat!

okay im gonna get my ass and fingers off the seat and com,
and sit beside him on the couch and watch prison break! :D
