yay! "renovated" my blog after two weeks of skin-searching. haha.
and i was supposed to study music. haha.
i did study. haha.
i have evidence okay.. haha.
but stupid blogger got problem. haha. so cannot show. hahaha.
studied, but only half the syllabus.
chinese, indian, african, jazz, japanese, gamelan, musicals, kompang, and most importantly, haydn.
but only managed to cover chinese, indian, african, jazz, gamelan, and japanese.
that's like about half the syllabus only lah.
after wednesday. haha.
and oh yes!! omg. im sooo happy. my work starts on 27nov. haha. i cant wait.
will be working at yamaha. love it lah.
mrs wong's birthday coming, gotta order her present for the class.
im sure she'll like it. haha.
okay, it's time to mug.
you. haha. thanks alot for all that you have done. it's greatly appreciated. haha.