Sunday, July 25, 2010


15th month with yuan was awesome :)

That's our junior, DOG. :) i told mom we bought a dog and she was damn shocked. Like :O!!!! We laughed hard and then we went: no it's not real la HAAHHAHAHAH

Today yuan brought me to BBQ Chicken and for some reason i couldn't finish the meat :( We walked out feeling so very full, then we walked around to look at clothes and stuff. Anyway i spent alot of time making the card and present for him, and he got me a tigger pencil case and DOG :DDDDDDDDDDDD

I love him so very much and of course i love yuan. When i have so much stuff to do and i feel tired/sleepy, i have DOG on my lap and i can videocall yuan. Then i'd feel better and more energetic!

Citations almost done i guess, 4 more to go! I AIM TO FINISH THEM TODAY BUT I FEEL SO SLEEPY :(