Saturday, April 05, 2008


MAHJONG IS EFFING FUN. :)))))))))))))))))))))))

finally learnt how to play it.
went to ys house to play with jing, hock, wc, minhui, bernard, and kimsiew.
had fun laughing.
my first game, tiles like shit.
second game, oso like shit. but managed to win. XDDDD
and i was supposed to say zi mo, but i went pong. i nearly lost it.
third game, tiles super nice. but jing won before me.

so went home to try wahjong on viwawa, v funny. and fast. T.T
i cant even catch up. before i have decided, they time out.
and the way they say hu is SOOO CUTE.

people who wanna play, go to
you will not regret.

howr' u?
i miss you.