Sunday, March 16, 2008


i suddenly remembered this super funny thing.
we were having lunch, when mummy asked if we wanted to order fried carrot cake.
we were like, half past six about it, and godpa went to buy for us.

guess what he came back with.

over 10 pieces of carrot cake. those real carrot cakes.
we were like, WTH?
laughing our asses off, then he went to get the correct kind of carrot cake.
he came back with 3 plates.
omfg, there were like only 6 of us.
had a hard time finishing it.

it then dawned upon me, i have a REALLY REALLY CUTE GODPA. XD

jing was harassed by this crazy man.
both hock and her came to my place,
i called that no. with my house phone,
and put him on loudspeaker.
i was like,
"may i know who called?"
he said:
"what's your no.?"
"what's your no.? MISS~~"

upon hearing that miss in mandarin, i hung up.
hock then tried to call and pretended to be a gay,
which i think aint a difficult task for him, :P
but the convo didnt carry on after he realised it was a guy calling.

we then went to report to the police,
and the policemen there, super senang.
it's damn funny when u see the way they work and joke about things.
something that you wouldnt expect from them.

and attitude is super important for the frontline.
i've seen the drastic difference.

better late then never. (:

i wanna watch this show. ):
but i have no date. )):
who would like to watch it with me? ))):